Hello world!


a-me-and-tubby-la-la.jpgSo, as I endlessly search through friends’ blogs and updates, I constantly wonder how they get theirs to look so cool!  I’ve tried starting a blog before, but failed.  With over one year of taking the first step and less than five entries, I came up far short of my overly ambitious blogging dreams!  So, I will start again with the same lofty dreams, but a different approach!  I am going for short and sweet; something that, those who know me well, is quite difficult for me.  I especially appreciate that there is a word count holding me accountable as a speak…or type, rather!  So under 200 will be my goal.  I will now type a list (surprise, surprise) of some things on my mind:

1. I really want to learn to speak Spanish…fluently (so I’m listening to the Spanish channel and debating a move to a Spanish-speaking country)

2. I made the tough decision of breaking up with my boyfriend this week.  Heartbreaking, but something that needed to be done in order for us to grow.

3. I am excited to take this time to fall more in love with Jesus and get back to where I want to be spiritually! 

About KarolynK

Hey there! Thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Karolyn (as you probably know) and I live in San Diego with my amazing Husband. I've been teaching Special Education for the bast six years and LOVE it! I am loving life and just trying to figure out if I'm doing what it is that God is wanting me to do....always a process! Thanks for sharing in this journey with me though, I really do appreciate it.

3 responses »

  1. Apparently I can’t keep up with all of your life moves! The crash and trash are the best! And where might this dream be leading you?!?!?!?!?!?!

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