Monthly Archives: December 2012

In my 35th Week…


Likes: Still wearing the same clothes – just snug; the relative ease of pregnancy overall.
Dislikes: Feeling nauseous at night due to the amount that she moves
Weight: +12 pounds
Waist: + 5 inches

234 weeks along.

Well – we’re just about there!  A little more than five weeks to go and we’ll have a little one in our humble abode!  CRAZY!  Kalyb is getting more used to the idea of a little sister (although still very verbal about his desire for a brother).  We actually ended up moving to a house the first week in December so we have plenty of space now!  We spent part of this break getting Kadence’s room relatively organized.  We still need to put together her crib which should be arriving any day.  But, other than that (and a car seat and stroller which have also been ordered), we are well on our way!

Josiah has been very verbal about his desire to have and hold this little girl since about month four.  Just this morning I said, ‘I can’t wait until she gets here’ and Josiah mentioned that was the first time he’d heard me say that.  I think I’m just finally feeling ready.  The house is coming together, her stuff is ready for the most part, and I’m excited to meet her!

We are looking at changing care providers.  We’ve been going to Birth Boot Camp classes (somewhat similar to Bradley Method) and after meeting with the staff at the hospital where I was set to deliver, I just didn’t feel comfortable.  We found a birthing center that I really liked, but our instructor is kind of steering us away from there due to the Midwife’s reputation.  So we shall see – I’ve got some calls to make to insurance and we have some visits to make.  I know it will all work out.

We have LOVED this Christmas break and have spoiled ourselves by just staying home with our family.  It has been so CALM and QUIET and RESTFUL.  We’ve had several mornings where we’ve all slept in close to 11!  (I know, I know – this kind of rest is numbered.  So I’m soaking it up!)

Hopefully I can find the time to get on here once or twice more before Kadence’s debut!


Taken this morning at 34.5 weeks


Taken a few days ago at 34 weeks.

7 months?!


I’m officially in my 31st week which officially kinda freaks me out knowing we’re in single-digit amount of weeks left in this pregnancy! Tomorrow, I’ll also be officially 7 months pregnant. That still boggles my mind; I’m in all of my old ‘fat’ clothes (those of you who’ve known me awhile – oh, wait, that’s all of you because I’m pretty sure it’s just Mom I have reading this ;0) – know that I used to weigh quite a bit more. Thankfully, I kept all of these pants and now have clothes I’m able to fit in!)

Waist: +5″
Weight: +12 pounds (I think all the running around at Thanksgiving KEPT me from gaining weight)
Likes: getting to feel Kadence ALL the time (particularly ALL night long), still feeling good
Dislikes: Just looking like I’m gaining weight and missing out on the ‘baby bump’ – I’m sure I’ll be glad that this is the case, but those baby bumps are just so cute!


30.5 weeks pregnant

30.5 weeks pregnant

Compared to 12 weeks pregnant

Here’s the pictures side by side from 12 weeks pregnant compared to now – next picture, I’ll do better at getting my hair and make-up done rather than rolling out of bed on a Saturday morning, interrupting Kalyb from his cartoons to come take a picture, and getting it done that way ;0) I’m still feeling great.  I feel her moving ALL the time.  We had a GREAT time in California last week where my mom and sister threw me my California shower!  SO fun seeing family and friends – and even being surprised by a few!  We played a couple of games and Bekah guessed my tummy size to THE centimeter.  We were very blessed with the gifts that we received and feel so excited to have Kadence join this awesome community of family and friends!

LOVE all of these girls!!

LOVE all of these girls!!

I think we’ve finally agreed that her middle name will be ‘Emerson’ – although, the jury’s still out on the spelling.  Either Emerson or Emercyn (with ‘mercy’ in the middle).  We have a few weeks to decide, I suppose!

I’m sure these next few weeks will FLY by full of work, basketball, getting things organized and the overall excitement!  Next weekend, Nichole and Lynn (mother-in-law) will be coming into town and Mari (‘step’ mother-in-law) will be hosting the Texas shower at her house that Jessica (amazing friend and planner extraordinnaire) has done an awesome job planning and organizing!  Should be another fun weekend :0)

Until then…