Monthly Archives: June 2015

31 weeks with Asher


31 Weeks

weight – +12 pounds

waist – +2 inches (which does not seem accurate; it seems MUCH larger than that…I’ll have to remeasure or maybe things have just shifted??)

likes – being pregnant!  having a belly, public pregnancy comments, not being able to see my feet, most of Asher’s movements, fruit

dislikes – some of Asher’s movements can be uncomfortable – a little jarring and aggressive.  Not fitting in clothes comfortably

So, here we are – entering the single digits of weeks left in this journey of pregnancy!  I’m still very much enjoying being pregnant – I feel good, have pretty normal amounts of energy (I’m tired more to just being busy, not necessarily pregnancy), and really can’t complain.

Asher moves SO MUCH.  Like ALL. THE. TIME.  More than I remember Kadence moving.  It’s fun to feel him most of the time, though some of his jabs can be a little harsh!  Josiah gets to feel him quite a bit.  The kids still haven’t felt him move though it’s getting to the point you can almost see him moving on the outside – fun, fun!

Each month, my weight has fluctuated quite a bit – I’ll gain some weight, lose some weight, gain some, lose some.  Last month (after losing 2 pounds the month before which I attribute to testing craziness at work), I gained 7 pounds bringing me to a total of 12…but I’m not at biweekly appointments, so hopefully I won’t be at a point where there’s been a 7 pound weight gain again; hahaha!

We did a Birth Boot Camp Refresher course with a local instructor this week.  It was great!  She came to our home and Kadence literally napped the entire 3 1/2 hours she was there so we got to fully concentrate.  It was good to be reminded of the different processes – although we are praying for a very similar birthing experience this time around, I want to make sure we’re both prepared if I do enter an active labor that I can feel.  🙂

I’m getting to the point I get a little nervous thinking about the newborn stage, though I know this time will be much better as I know more of what to expect.  I’ll also be much more vocal if breastfeeding causes any of the issues that I had with Kadence (for those of you who don’t know, I ended up with an undiagnosed internal ductal yeast infection that went untreated for FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS.  That is about 140 days of excruciating pain that happened while nursing, not while nursing, while pumping, etc.  I got one week of relief with an antibiotic in April but that was it.)  I only made it to 6 months of nursing which wasn’t my plan…but all things considered, it was a very good run for us.  All that to say, if that pain starts coming back, I’ll be knocking down that doctor’s door to get some meds for a longer period of time…

We’re delivering at the hospital down the street from us so getting there shouldn’t be a problem.  I’m really praying that this one doesn’t go much faster than Kadence – so we’ll see how these next few months pan out!

We are all getting more and more excited to meet this little guy – just a few more things that need to be done – clean all the baby stuff in the garage, finish washing his clothes, organize their closet, and set up a crib/pack and play/sleeper in our room.

This week, my friends Ashlee, Lindsay, Carrie, and EJ threw Asher a little diaper shower.  It was small and sweet.  We got spoiled with diapers, wipes, and some other necessities.  It’s getting real!