Monthly Archives: July 2010

Memories in Michigan


Don’t judge me, I like alliterations.

Just had a FABULOUS time in Michigan and getting ready for another weekend full of fun as we quickly approach our wedding day!!  I flew out to Detroit last Wednesday where my cousin’s husband, Matt, graciously picked me up at 11pm.  We made it back to their house to hang out with their boxers and their FIVE BOXER PUPPIES who were so cute (despite the fact two disappeared for a little while and we had to do a search at midnight…).   Thursday, I woke up at 6:30am (3:30am San Diego time) to drive with Matt to the hospital to visit my cousin, Liz who is on hospital bedrest pregnant with TWIN BOYS!!  (Due in November, so pray for her sanity and their health!)

Got to spend the whole day at the hospital with her talking, reading, laughing, napping, catching up and just trying to help her pass the time!  My aunt and grandma met me there Thursday night and then we headed back to my aunt’s to eat dinner and then I got to spend the night with my cousins on the back porch.  Had fun relaxing in the heat and watching the fireflies!  Friday morning, I slept in and then my aunt treated ‘the boys’ and myself to a movie -Toy Story 3!  Very cute.  When we returned home, the pool was calling our name and Gavin, Dizel, and I jumped in for a quick dip!  My aunt and I drove to the airport that evening to go pick up my mom and then meet my Grandma for dinner.  My mom and I spent the night at my grandma’s house listening to her recount all of our family’s stories.

Saturday, we were up and at ’em (I couldn’t sleep past 5:30am Detroit time, really?!?!).  Headed to the local restaurant for breakfast and grabbed some for Liz to go.  Went back to visit with her at the hospital and this time brought her PlayDoh and Boggle to play with (I, naturally, dominated once again in Boggle.  And I only say this to spark interest in any potential competitor…I really am looking for competition!  Nobody will play me anymore!).  After we left the hospital, we went to the park by my Grandma’s house where they were having my mom’s 40th High School Reunion!  Fun for her to see friends and acquaintances and to be reminded of how beautifully she has aged!  My Grandma sat and watched us from up on the hill.  We headed to my Aunt and Uncle’s for dinner and then ran up the road to catch a beautiful sunset and grab some custard for dessert – YUM!  Afterwards, my mom and I headed back to Grandma’s to stay the night.

Sunday morning, we headed to my Aunt’s again for breakfast and to get ready – it was shower day (and not just in the cleaning sense)!  My mom’s best friend, Brenda, offered to throw me a Detroit shower for my family that won’t be able to make our wedding and it was absolutely fabulous!  We had 17 friends and family come by and I felt incredibly loved.  Brenda created some fun games, had great prizes, was a wonderful hostess, and provided a great spread for lunch (with help from her daughter-in-law Mary Kay).  Brenda’s daughter, Jenn was very helpful with the gift opening and organizing.  After everyone headed out, five of us headed to the local bar to have a little pre-bachelorette party celebration and it was an interesting night in Howell, MI to say the least :).

After Jim picked us up from the bar, we went back to Brenda’s to look through their old year book to compare people to their high school photos 40 years ago…wonder where I’ll be in another 30 years?!  Spent the night out at Brenda and Jim’s and woke up Monday morning to Jenn and Drake!  So fun hanging with Drake – eating breakfast, exercising, etc.  Got ready and went up to Kensington Park to meet my Aunt Lisa, Cousin Michele and her boys Gavin and Dizel to explore the animals.  Went to lunch at Applebee’s and then hit up the park on the hill to pass some more time and have fun before heading the the airport!

(Not sure why that one turned out so much smaller…but whatever)  Successfully jammed all my gifts into my two suitcases and checked them in while I used a gigantic gift bag and a TJ Maxx bag for my carry ons!  Ended up having to do over 10 1/2 hours of traveling to get back home to San Diego where I was greeted by my man, Josiah, at 11:30pm.  He dropped me off at home and had fun peaking at all of our new goodies!!

It was a sweet time with the family in Michigan!  So glad I got to get out there despite the humidity and heat!  It was sweet how the Lord set it up that I got to hang out with little boys all weekend too in preparation for Kalyb coming in about five weeks!  WOW – my life is a-changing!!  I’m ready for what God has for me…or so I think; at least He knows what’s in store!!

39 days…


So Jesus was in the desert longer than we have to wait until we get married.  The flood lasted longer.  Only biblical references are coming to mind right now, but the point is….there just isn’t that much longer!  Needless to say, things have been busy over here.  Josiah and I spent the past two months getting to know each other more – becoming more involved in our day-to-day lives and it has been such a blessing.  It is so sweet to be so loved and cherised.  A tangible example of Christ’s love for us….and His is so much more; kind of mind blowing.  Incredibly mind blowing, actually.

Surprisingly, I have not been super introspective or reflective lately.  Maybe it’s because there’s so much on my mind, I wouldn’t even know where to begin to process.  It’s been five months full of surprises, excitement, joy, blessings, challenges, love and anticipation…to name some of the emotions I’m feeling right now at this moment.  I don’t want to get married and fall off the blogging world, so this is my attempt to start forming the habit to get on here and write away.  I am aimless right now in this post, and I know that’s apparent.  But, I think you like it.  Just maybe!

Some things on my mind:

  • Kalyb – when’s he going to get here, how’s he going to transition, what’s our family going to look like?
  • Books – there are so many I’m attempting to read and have made it part way through and so many that are on my list.  There just doesn’t seem to be that much time lately!
  • Wedding planning – for those of you coming, don’t worry, it will somehow all come together.  As of now, we have a place.  I have full intentions of figuring out the details of food, drink, entertainment, decoration, ceremony, etc.  I promise.
  • Wedding showers – so I love people, and I think this is apparent.  But wedding showers kinda stress me out.  Talk about all eyes on you.  Makes me nervous just thinking about it…but I’m excited about all of the people sharing in this time!
  • Travels and visitors – super excited about getting to go to Michigan next week to visit family!  Also excited because the weekend after there will be quite a few fun people coming in town to celebrate!
  • Moving – when?  where?  what’s it going to look like?  How are we going to do it?  will it all fit?
  • Trust – Just constantly being brought to a place where I’m being challenged: am I trusting the Lord?  How am I living out my faith and living while trusting?  So much to depend on Him for these days…all days, really.  I’m just more aware of it now that my life will directly impact another’s.  Well, two people really.  Day in and day out.  So glad I can rest assured that He is faithful.

Whew.  Gonna stay in tonight and tackle some of those books aforementioned.  Maybe process a little.