Schneple Schelter


If any of you have the opportunity to visit Casa Schneple. you are aware that it is one bustlin’ happenin’ place that we are fortunate to call home. I have since gotten word we will be referring to Casa Schneple as ‘Schneple Schelter…where animals and people are welcome’. Very fitting, we all agree.

I’ve been told by a few people that living with me would not be their cup o’ tea…and that’s fine; however, I am ever so grateful for my dear roomies who dealt with, grew to love, and even somewhat encouraged my ‘stray ways’…I was always inviting home what we’ve come to lovingly refer to as ‘our strays’.

The story began with Erin – bright eyed and bushy tailed, right off the drive from Montana with nowhere to go. We happily housed her at the beginning of the school year until she could find a place…then we had a week long visitor, Jen V – who briefly called Casa Schneple her home while awaiting the beginning of her exciting little traveling gig. She hooked us up with lots of random things – including good friendship and a un-bouncy trampoline (sp?). Next, it was yet another Jen – straight off a red eye drive from Phoenix and ready to start a new adventure…where better to begin than right at home in Casa Schneple?! Jamie came to refer to her as ‘Homeless’ and the name stuck – and of course it’s used as an endearing nickname 🙂 She’s currently doing bigger and better things in Hawaii, but we had a great time and formed wonderful memories during our carpool rides to school, our one-on-one games after school, and our tetris battles. In the meantime, Erin has made her way back home to Casa Schneple…and so has a good friend of hers, Rachel, who has since became a good friend of all of ours as well. Along with her fabulous self, she has brought her little mutt, the under-bitten, cute, cuddly guy we know as ‘Chaco’…hence why we are now a place where both people AND animals are welcome.

As most of you know, we’re also down one cuddly critter…Ollie has been missing since September, and while we have not yet given up hope of one day finding the schpecial little schnauzer, Jojo decided it was time to get another little one around the house. While I have yet to meet her in person – or even to see pictures of her, for that matter – I would like to introduce you to our newest arrival, Ryder (and Ryder, I know it’s not your fault that your mommy hasn’t yet taken the time to share you to the rest of the world…I’m going to hope she’s just too busy playing with you!)

Scho, there you have it, folks – bios of all of our Schtrays that have momentarily referred to the Schneple Schelter as Home, Schweet Home 🙂

About KarolynK

Hey there! Thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Karolyn (as you probably know) and I live in San Diego with my amazing Husband. I've been teaching Special Education for the bast six years and LOVE it! I am loving life and just trying to figure out if I'm doing what it is that God is wanting me to do....always a process! Thanks for sharing in this journey with me though, I really do appreciate it.

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